Well, today was another first at our house. Logan started Middle School. He is in the 6th grade and attending Spring Creek Middle School. He was pretty nervous going to a new school, having a locker, and trying to figure out where his 7 classes were. I was worried about him all day and hoping that he had a good day and experience. He survived, even came out smiling, and was excited that his best friend Mason was in 5 of his 7 classes. So, I don't know that he met a lot of other kids, but at least some of the newness will have worn off for tomorrow. It has brought back a lot of memories for me as I have helped him get registered and ready for middle school. I can't believe Logan is old enough to go to middle school, which in turn makes me wonder when Jay and I ever got old enough to have a child this old!
Spencer is going to be in Kindergarten this year. His teacher is Mrs. Searle. She is actually cousins to my friend Maria. She seemed really nice and Spencer liked her. Spencer was a little put out when he realized that because of kindergarten assessments, he doesn't get to start school until next Thursday. He is ready to go! I can't believe my little Spencer is going to school. He has been my buddy and I'm going to miss having him here all day. Of course, kindergarten is really only about 2 hours...so I guess he'll still be around some.:)
Well, I better get to bed...what with Logan leaving for school at 7:05 am, we are now getting up quite a bit earlier to get him off. Last year he didn't even wake up until 7:45!