Matthew after his bath...all clean and happy! He has been so fun! He's a little confused that he's supposed to be awake when the sun is out and shining, he prefers to stay up all night and sleep really soundly during the day. Last night he did a little better though. He actually slept for a whole 4 hour block...
Jay and I were so grateful!
Spencer helped me give Matthew his first bath in the sink this morning...We think he liked it, at least more than the sponge baths he's been getting.
Matthew one week old...the last picture it seemed like he was actually saying,
"Enough pictures, Mom, won't you just feed me now?"
Matthew arrived on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @ 4:02 pm. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz. and is 20" long. He is so cute and we all absolutely adore him. It is so nice to have him here!
Thanks for coming everyone and sharing this wonderful day with us.
Copy Cat
Matthew loves to do what everyone else is doing. He plays ball like Logan and Spencer, dances with Kate, and pulls the weeds and mows the lawn with Jay.
Kate taking her bow...
This was after her spring recital on May 9, 2009.
Logan playing his guitar
During Logan's music class this year they learned how to play on a 4 string bass ukulele. He then came home and would pick away trying to figure out how to convert it to his 6 string guitar. If he stays interested in it, we might even buy him an adult size guitar.
Matthew ready for church
Matthew looked so grown up and cute on Sunday, I tried to take his picture, but he wouldn't sit still so his head was either down or the pic was fuzzy from him moving...this was the only one that even sort of turned out and he has red eye. Nov. 2008
Jay spraying our grass green...
World Class is trying out some seasonal mini stencils, so he and the kids spent Saturday painting logo's on our artificially colored grass to take pictures for the website. The neighbors all got a kick out of it!
Matthew...9+ months
Spence & Mom
Sept. 2008
Katelyn reading to Spencer...
Spencer's first official day of school...Aug. 27, 2008
Logan receiving his Scouting Arrow of Light
The scoutmasters did an awesome job and made such a big deal about it. Aug. 2008
Our Family
July 20, 2008
Spencer helping Jay build our garden box
Unfortunately, we are too late to plant anything for this year, but we will be all set for planting next spring. Think of us as you all eat your homegrown veggies:(
Spencer feeding Matthew
July 15, 2008
Summer Fest
Every year in Logan, UT they have an Arts Faire on the tabernacle block. We went last weekend and were amazed at all the different kinds of art. Here the kids were getting friendly with a gorilla statue. Logan wanted to buy the $800 giraffe that looked like it for his room. Yeah right!
Cream Cheese Chicken...yum
Making Dinner for Jay on Father's Day
Logan in motion...
Logan played his regular basketball season, then in the Super league and now he wants to play in another league through March...I'm looking forward to baseball season!
Happy 8th Birthday Katelyn!
The Strawberry Shortcake doll was supposed to be on the top of her cake, but was a little big and considered a fire hazard with the candles lit, so we opted to have her just hold it instead.
Matthew, Emily, & Spencer
Warnick Boys
Jan. 10, 2008
Logan playing basketball
Logan is in the light blue shorts
Katelyn at ballet
In December we were able to go watch one of Karelyn's classes and see what she has been learning Fall Semester.
Decorating the Tree...
We wanted to have everything ready for Christmas before the baby came, so the Saturday after Thankgiving, we pulled out all the Christmas decorations and the trees and put them all up. It was nice to come home from the hospital on Dec. 1st and have everything ready and not have to worry about shopping and decorating with a new baby.
Spencer having fun decorating...
Katelyn helping out...
The kids are all the right sizes this year, Logan took care of the top of the tree, Katelyn worked on the middle, and Spencer filled in the bottom.
Logan adding some ornaments...
November 24, 2007
Matthew with his mask on...
under the lights.
Matthew under the blue bili lights...
He was jaundiced so when we came home he had to be under these lights. We all struggled with not being able to hold him!
The Proud Papa
We're so glad he's here and happy!
The Big Bro meets his Little Bro
Logan just thinks Matthew is the best. He has been so helpful. Matthew has his own look, but his face reminds us a lot of both Logan and Spencer. His hair is long and black like Katelyn had when she was born. It will be interesting to see if he keeps it or if it all falls out and comes in lighter like Kate's did.
Katelyn meeting Matthew
Katelyn came straight from ballet to see Matthew for the first time...he was only about 2 hours old here. Kate loves to burp Matthew and holds him like a pro.
Spencer LOVES Matthew
Spencer got to come up to the hopital every morning while Katelyn and Logan were at school. He loves to hold him.
Mom, Matthew, Dad
Friday - Emily had to stay in the hospital for a few days while Drs. changed her blood thinners. Now that the baby's here, maybe we can get rid of the blood clot!
Matthew and Grandma Patsy
Emily's mom came up Tues. night in a snowstorm to help with the kids, so Jay & I could go to the hospital Wed. morning for a scheduled induction. In this picture, Matthew is only a few hours old.
Grandma Jane with Matthew
Jay's parents drove down from Rexburg on Friday to meet Matthew and visit for a few hours...I think they approve!
Matthew and Grandpa Loyd
November 30, 2007
Carving Pumpkins
Monday, October 29, 2007
In the process...
This was the first year that Logan was allowed to actually hold and carve with a knife...
Obviously, he was thrilled.
Logan proud of his final result.
Katelyn's Happy Pumpkin...
Spencer showing his design...
The Finished Products
They all ended up looking like happy, friendly pumpkins this year! A welcome addition to our porch.
Collecting Fall Leaves
Logan Canyon
We kept waiting for a nice day, but it kept raining...
Katelyn trying to stay warm as she gathered her leaves.